We added a rich text field on account intended to hold a recent summary of donation activity as well as a call to action for next action. Next action could be customized to indicate 1, 2, and ...
Financial Custom Object
Include financial data (budget and actual) alongside your other dashboard elements.
I wanted to show my board our financial progress on a dashboard along with donation year on year reports. All I really wanted was to add one more line to the donation year on year report that showed the current year’s goals month by month. But I never figured out how to do that. Here is the compromise solution I settled on. I added one object called “Financial Data”. It was 5 relevant fields: Income Budget, Income Actual, Expense Budget, Expense Actual. When we agree on budget, I create the records, one for each month. When the period closes, I update the actuals. Now I have a simple way to report on cash flows and income from within Salesforce. And I can easily reconcile accounting income with development income. I created an unmanaged package with the object and reports for your sandbox.