Neverbounce Email Check

  1. When a new contact is created, Zapier runs. If there is an email address, it is checked with NeverBounce. If the email returns invalid, a task is created to check it. The task contains key information about the contact as well as returned information from Neverbounce to make the resolution go quickly.
  1. When the email field of a contact is updated, Zapier runs. If there is an email address, it is checked with NeverBounce. If the email returns invalid, a task is created to check it.
    1. I added a check prior to calling Neverbounce to make sure we don’t already have an open task against this contact. This prevents double checking Quinn, for example, more than one of the conditions become true for bouncing emails.
  2. When the Email Bounced Reason of contact is updated, Zapier runs. If IsEmailBounced is true and there is an email, it is checked with NeverBounce. If the email returns invalid, a task is created to check it.
    1. I added a check prior to calling Neverbounce to make sure we don’t already have an open task against this contact. This prevents double checking Quinn, for example, more than one of the conditions become true for bouncing emails. Note that this might fail if there is a lead on the campaign. #Techdebt 
  1. When the Email Bounced flag of Campaign Member is set to true, Zapier runs. If the Links Clicked does not contain the work Neverbounce and there is an email, it is checked with NeverBounce. The results are appended to the campaign member Links Clicked field with the word Neverbounce. If the email returns invalid, a task is created to check it. The task is associated with both the contact and the campaign.
    1. I added a check prior to calling Neverbounce to make sure we don’t already have an open task against this contact. This prevents double checking Quinn, for example, more than one of the conditions become true for bouncing emails.

Techdebt: The above only works when the number of elements is 170,000 or less. That is OK for all but Campaign Member. Campaign member might fail one day.

All four of these processes are entirely outside of Salesforce in Zapier. It is currently assigned to Terry. I was able to test all four 4. Some updates in salesforce trigger multiple of these conditions but duplicate Tasker prevented by this zap itself. 

TECHDEBT: In future, we can look into starting this action on the Salesforce side and trigger on contact email fields that are new or updated and combine two of the above into one path. We would initiate one or more outbound messages to Zapier via flow. This can check all three email fields if we desire. This method also might also work for new bouncing emails on contacts and on existing campaign memberships when the bounce flag is set by Soapbox mailer.

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