Gift Entry on the Go

I frequently tell people they probably can’t beat the efficiency of the Gift Entry tool (in NPSP or NPC) in terms of cost. It’s a desktop only tool that is keyboard focused. I use it ...  read more

Unpacking Salesforce Winter 2023

The release notes can be found here inside Salesforce Help.

The first step is to determine if there is anything requiring admin actions now. 

  1. Sometimes they have little surprises for us that require action quickly before your users discover the changes. 
  2. I head to the section called “How and When do Features Become Available”
  3. Find Your Reports and Dashboards Faster in Analytics Home: Requires enabling a global setup under Reports and Dashboards Settings: Unified Experience for Analytics Home. I had already done this in a previous release.

Review of limitations to features:

  1. Clone Lightning App: This beta feature is available only for custom Lightning apps. It isn’t available for standard, connected, managed, community or classic apps. Cloning of a utility bar isn’t supported in this beta release.
  2. To Do List: Track and Sort All Your Tasks with the To Do List doesn’t work on mobile since it’s embedded in the Utility Bar.
  3. Dynamic Related List still doesn’t support mobile, or tell you if it’s showing all the records.

Here is my review of ...  read more